Miyagishima not declaring victory yet

District 6 Councilor Ken Miyagishima, who defeated Mayor Bill Mattiace today by 74 votes, said he’s not ready to declare victory.

I’ve already reported that Miyagishima finished with 5,745 votes, or 50.3 percent, to Mattiace’s 5,671 votes, or 49.7 percent.

“I’d like to see it official, but your numbers, they add up,” Miyagishima said.

The City Clerk’s Office has yet to post results from Camino Real Middle School, but Miyagishima finished at that polling place with 427 votes to Mattiace’s 384 votes, according to the receipt that was posted on the door of the school. That increases Miyagishima’s lead from the 31-vote lead the city clerk’s Web site currently gives him.

I’ve been unable to reach the clerk’s office for information about what’s holding up the count.

Mattiace refused to comment.

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