House GOP leader gives White’s campaign a boost

Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White has secured a significant campaign contribution that will make it difficult for any potential rivals in a GOP primary to raise Washington money.

House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio has sent White a $5,000 contribution – the maximum allowed – from his political action committee, The Freedom Project, to be used specifically in the primary. You can read the letter accompanying the contribution by clicking here.

“We are pleased to provide you with the enclosed contribution of $5,000 from The Freedom Project to benefit your 2008 primary election campaign,” the letter from Boehner states. “We hope it is helpful to you and your efforts.”

It’s highly unusual for the minority leader to get involved in a primary, and this is another sign that the Washington GOP establishment is trying to shut out other potential GOP candidates and rally behind White. State Sen. Joe Carraro, R-Albuquerque, has been considering the race and appears headed toward a run, and state Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones, R-Albuquerque, is also considering the race.

But the GOP – and especially its fundraising arm for House Republican candidates – is at a severe financial disadvantage against Democrats this election cycle, and many Republicans are trying to avoid primaries to save money.

Don’t expect this to push Carraro out of the race, but it does make the road ahead more difficult for him, Arnold-Jones or anyone else who might challenge White in the primary.

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