Activist decides to run for House instead of Senate

An activist for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community who had been running for a state Senate seat in Santa Fe has decided to instead seek the House seat currently held by Peter Wirth, D-Santa Fe, because Wirth has decided to run for the District 25 Senate seat.

Several weeks ago, Democrats Brian Egolf and Mekah Gordon were challenging Sen. John Grubesic, D-Santa Fe, for the seat. But when Grubesic decided against running again, Wirth decided to run for his District 47 seat. Egolf recently decided to instead seek Wirth’s House seat, and now Gordon has joined him in switching races.

“Peter Wirth and Brian Egolf are two very fine, well accomplished candidates,” she wrote Monday in an e-mail to supporters. “That being said, I am the right choice, and most formidable candidate, for your next state congressional representative of New Mexico. … I will reestablish honesty and truth in a political arena seemingly void of such characteristics.”

Wirth’s decision came in part because U.S. Rep. Tom Udall decided he would not seek the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Pete Domenici. That would have created an opening in Washington for Wirth to seek, but Udall’s decision, coupled with Grubesic’s announcement, made the open state Senate seat Wirth’s best opportunity to move up.

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