ActBlue gives hints about third-quarter fundraising

Candidates running for federal offices in New Mexico haven’t yet filed third-quarter fundraising reports but, as was the case at the end of the second quarter of the year, some information about the Democrats can be gleaned from the fundraising site ActBlue.

Reports for the quarter that ended Sunday must be filed and will be available to the public by Oct. 15.

Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich, one of two Democrats officially attempting to unseat U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., next year, tops New Mexico Dems in fundraising through the site with $71,954 from 385 individual donors. He raised about $30,000 of that during the second quarter of the year, so he took in about $40,000 during the third quarter through the site.

Jon Adams, the other Democrat in the race against Wilson, has raised $4,751 through the site from nine individual contributors, all of it coming in the third quarter.

In the race to unseat U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., Doña Ana County Commissioner Bill McCamley has raised $31,225 from 134 individual contributors through the site. Almost $20,000 of that came during the third quarter of the year. Al Kissling, who lost to Pearce last year, has raised $825 from 18 contributors through the site. Less than $300 of that came during the third quarter of the year.

In the race to unseat U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., Don Wiviott has raised $60,689 from 215 contributors through the site, with all but about $2,000 coming during the third quarter of the year. Jim Hannan, the other challenger who has filed to run against Domenici, has raised $75 from two contributors through the site, all of it coming in the third quarter.

U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, D-N.M., has no announced challenger and, at the end of the second quarter, had more than $700,000 on hand, so hasn’t been running an active campaign and hasn’t raised any money through ActBlue.

Republicans don’t have a similar fundraising Web site that publicly displays information about the cash raised through the site.

Domenici raised $650,000 during the second quarter of the year and ended it with $1 million in the bank. Hannan didn’t reach the $5,000 threshold during the reporting period that would have required him to file a second-quarter report, and Wiviott entered the race late enough that he didn’t have to file a report during that quarter.

Pearce raised $245,000 during the second quarter and ended it with $383,000 on hand. He raised $70,000 at one fundraiser in Roswell during the third quarter, but that’s all that has been disclosed publicly about the report that will be filed in the coming days. McCamley raised a total of $140,000 during the second quarter and ended it with $133,000 on hand. Kissling raised $10,000 and had $5,500 on hand.

Heinrich raised $181,000 during the second quarter and ended it with $153,000 on hand. Adams, a later entry into the race, didn’t reach the threshold to require filing of a second-quarter report.

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