Pearce preparing response to group’s allegations

U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., is preparing a response to allegations that he failed to report a financial transaction he was required to disclose and may have advocated for drilling on the Otero Mesa in exchange for campaign contributions from those with ties to oil companies.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington made the allegations Tuesday when it included Pearce on its list of the 22 most corrupt members of Congress. You can read the details about the allegations against Pearce by clicking here.

A Pearce spokesman has called the allegations “lies” but refused, to this point, to elaborate.

I’ve been pushing since Tuesday for the opportunity to interview a Pearce staffer about the situation. I sent an e-mail today asking Pearce spokesman Brian Phillips when I’d be able to ask my questions and get answers.

Phillips didn’t answer that question. But he did provide this statement:

“We are preparing a release with accompanying documents,” he wrote. “It is taking longer than we thought to get our letters back so it might be a day or two. I appreciate your patience.”

I’m assuming that means we’ll have a response on Friday or Monday. We’ll see.

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