New ad claims guv brings change and experience

Gov. Bill Richardson is trying to jumpstart a presidential campaign that has stagnated in recent weeks with a new television advertisement highlighting his assertion that he is the candidate of both change and experience.

Richardson scored points at a recent debate when, while others debated Hillary Clinton’s experience and Barack Obama’s statements about bringing change to Washington, he said he represented the best of both worlds. Despite that, Richardson’s poll numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire have stagnated in recent weeks.

The ad began running today in Iowa.

The news release announcing the ad takes a shot at Clinton, without naming her, for “borrowing” Richardson’s claim that he’s the candidate of change and experience. Clinton is currently running an ad in Iowa stating that, “If we have the conviction, she has the experience. If we’re ready for change, she’s ready to lead.” You can watch it by clicking here.

Obama is running an ad in Iowa claiming that he is the candidate of change. You can watch it by clicking here.

Richardson’s ad begins with an image of President Bush.

“George Bush has made a mess of almost everything,” the ad begins. “Now we need experience and change. Bill Richardson offers both.”

The ad goes on to highlight Richardson’s foreign policy experience and the fact that he’s the only presidential candidate calling for the withdrawal of every American soldier from Iraq.

“There are serious differences among the candidates on Iraq,” Richardson Campaign Manager Dave Contarino said in a release. “Gov. Richardson is the only major candidate with a responsible, urgent plan to end the Iraq War with a total U.S. withdrawal and extensive U.S.-led diplomacy. The other major candidates still have not leveled with the American people as to how many troops they would leave in Iraq and for how long.”

You can learn more about the ad by clicking here, and you can watch it below:

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