Sanchez named state Democratic Party director

Laura Sanchez, a native of Deming, is the new executive director of the Democratic Party of New Mexico.

Party Chairman Brian Colón made the announcement today in a news release.

“Laura Sanchez is a model New Mexico Democrat. Her education and experience will help me advance the electoral prospects of Democrats at all levels,” he said. “Sanchez’s knowledge of the state, her life story, legal background and work experience in legislative bodies and with advocacy groups make her tremendously qualified for this demanding job.”

Sanchez said she is “honored and thrilled” to be selected.

“The Republicans have sought to systematically tear apart the fabric of our communities, gutting workplace protections, under-funding the educational system, pillaging our environment and neglecting the health care crisis in America, not to mention continuing to send our young service men and women off to fight a misguided war,” she said. “Clearly, we need a Democrat in the White House. As executive director, I will work to ensure that New Mexico goes blue in November 2008 and elects a Democratic president.”

Sanchez will be leaving her position with the Natural Resources Defense Council to take the job. She is an attorney who worked with the Senate Judiciary Committee during the state’s 2007 legislative session. She has prior experience in get-out-the-vote operations and with other political groups.

She has a master’s in public administration and a bachelor’s in political science from the University of Arizona. Her law degree is from the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles.

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