Bloggers who don’t like balanced budgets boo guv

Gov. Bill Richardson was booed by a national group of liberal bloggers this weekend when he backed a proposed constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget.

It happened at the annual Yearly Kos convention of liberal bloggers.

The group is the powerhouse of the far left of the Democratic Party, and moderates like Richardson won’t win them all over. Hillary Clinton was also booed at the event.

But Richardson stuck around after the debate longer than any other candidate, according to the New York Times. As other candidates finished post-debate sessions with bloggers, more and more filtered in to hear Richardson. He answered all their questions.

It was typical Richardson. Outlast your opponents. Give people individual attention whenever possible. Speak bluntly.

It’s how he’s been winning supporters – moderate and liberal – and rising in polls in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Richardson understands the blogosphere better than most candidates. From the start, he’s given bloggers more attention than most presidential candidates, realizing each has his or her own sphere of influence among a group of readers who are motivated and active.

Still, the bloggers who attended the convention are quite liberal. Booing a proposal to balance the budget is a good example of the worst in the far left, and I commend Richardson for being honest about his position – the logical position – instead of pandering. After all, the nation has a $9 trillion debt.

By the way, Richardson and his wife announced their 35th wedding anniversary in a shameless news release from the campaign this weekend. And if you’re interested in learning more about Richardson’s campaign strategy, check out this article from The Hill.

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