Another Democrat to fight for right to battle Wilson

Another Democrat has entered the race to take on U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., next year.

Jason Call is more liberal than the frontrunner in the race, Martin Heinrich, and the other Democrats, Bryon Paez and Jon Adams. He states on his Web site that he’s running “because I think I can do a better job for the people of New Mexico and the United States than either the current officeholder, Heather Wilson (R), or any of the other candidates. … The American people deserve a change from the pandering, corporate-owned politicians who squander tax dollars on this illegal, immoral, and unjust occupation of a sovereign nation, while refusing to provide even the most basic of human needs, adequate healthcare, to the taxpayers.”

Call is a high-school math teacher in Albuquerque who states on his site that he “became active in the antiwar movement during my second year in college when Bush 41 invaded Iraq.” He states that he is a member of a number of “progressive activist causes” including the Green Party, though he’s running as a Democrat for Congress.

Call says he won’t take any corporate, political action committee or union money and won’t accept individual contributions of greater than $100.

“Why would I make such a commitment? Because I am here to serve, and I cannot serve if I owe large contributors – and this is exactly why our current leadership does not serve you,” he states on his site.

Call is married and has two children.

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