After a brief climb, Domenici’s support falls again

Support for U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., has dropped once again as he faces a barrage of criticism from the left and right, but he still hasn’t drawn a well-known challenger to take him on next year.

In the newest SurveyUSA Poll, Domenici’s approval rating has fallen to 52 percent, one point above his lowest rating since the monthly survey began in May 2005.

I’ve already reported on the Sierra Club’s assault on Domenici for opposing a requirement that electric companies derive 15 percent of their energy from renewable sources by 2020. On Wednesday, Americans United For Change began airing this television ad in the Albuquerque market attacking Domenici for “still standing with President Bush on Iraq, voting time and again against bringing our troops home.”

And the conservative Freedom’s Watch is airing these ads in various markets, including Albuquerque, to pressure members of Congress to support Bush’s Iraq strategy.

Domenici has broken ranks with the president, supporting a bipartisan proposal to begin withdrawing American combat troops from Iraq as soon as next spring, but he opposes cutting war funding or bringing the troops home now.

Support for Domenici rose last month to 55 percent from its low of 51 percent in June. It was the first time his support had climbed in months, and it appeared the senator was finally recovering from the U.S. attorney scandal that caused the dip in his popularity.

The newest drop in his popularity indicates that other factors besides the U.S. attorney scandal are a drag on his support. Most likely, the public doesn’t see his break with Bush on Iraq as genuine, or doesn’t think it’s enough.

In the newest poll, 41 percent said they disapprove of the job Domenici is doing. That is unchanged from July. The newest poll, conducted Aug. 10-12, surveyed 600 adults and has a margin of error of 4 percent.

Congress is currently on a break, and Domenici is touring the state. He was in Las Cruces on Wednesday. You can read about it and see video from the Las Cruces Sun-News.

Domenici has also been actively raising money for his 2008 re-election campaign. Three political newcomers have entered the race against him, all Democrats, but Domenici has yet to draw a top-tier challenger.

In the newest poll, support for U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., rose to 61 percent, up one point from July.

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