New ad continues Richardson’s effective campaign

You might recall me writing a few weeks ago about how Gov. Bill Richardson often looks wooden and insincere when talking to massive crowds or television cameras.

That problem doesn’t exist in his newest television commercial.

The 30-second spot, set on a hillside in New Mexico, highlights the governor’s plan to get all American troops out of Iraq. The ad, which began airing today in Iowa, shows a comfortably dressed Richardson talking about how New Mexico, Iowa and every other state has lost “too many soldiers” in Iraq.

“We have to end this war now,” Richardson says in the ad. “… Our troops have done everything we’ve asked, and I don’t want to see any more die.”

“We need to get all of our troops out of Iraq. George Bush won’t do that, but I will,” Richardson says at the end of the ad.

In the ad, Richardson also urges Congress to act.

The digs at Bush and Congress and the New Mexico setting emphasize the point Richardson wants to convey: As a governor, he has dealt with the tragedy of the war in a more tangible way than his opponents. He wants voters who are touched by the tragedy to believe he can relate to them on a deeper level than can the other Democrats seeking the party’s presidential nomination.

In the ad, Richardson’s speech is natural and appears heartfelt. The ad will touch voters who are concerned about the war and will likely give Richardson positive results in Iowa.

“Governor Richardson knows all too well the pain of the families of fallen soldiers and the human toll the war is taking on our communities and our country. The Governor’s own state of New Mexico has lost 31 soldiers. Iowa has lost 45 soldiers,” Richardson campaign manager Dave Contarino said in a news release. “Congress must stand up to a president who has put our brave military men and women in an impossible situation refereeing a civil war. Our troops are targets, viewed as occupiers. If George Bush doesn’t get them out, as president, Bill Richardson will.”

The ad follows those clever “job interview” ads that earned national attention and resulted in Richardson gains in polls in Iowa and New Hampshire. The company producing Richardson’s ads, Murphy Putnam Media, is doing an excellent job.

Here’s the new ad. To view it in a higher resolution and learn more about it, click here.

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