Lehrman seeks help to continue Senate campaign

Leland Lehrman, one of three Democrats vying for the right to take on U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., next year, may be considering dropping out of the race or abandoning other activist work.

In a letter e-mailed Wednesday to supporters and posted on his online newsletter, Lehrman, also the publisher of an alternative newspaper, wrote that he has received more than $400 in contributions to his Senate campaign, but he needs more to be able to continue the campaign and other work.

His publications are also funded in part through contributions.

The resident of Lamy characterized his campaign in the letter as “designed to hold the executive branch accountable through impeachment proceedings and a new 9/11 investigation,” but he also pushes a number of other liberal causes.

“The most significant obstacle to increasing the pace of positive change remains resource availability. Although I have been honored to receive over $400 in contributions to my Senatorial campaign and additional support for both the newsletter and the newspaper, there is only so much one man and his family can do without the commitment of the larger community,” Lehrman wrote. “There are times when basic needs make me wonder if I will have to abandon crucial efforts. I am unhappy when faced with this choice, and so reach out to those who have made all our successes possible: you.”

There are two others who are actively campaigning for the Democratic nomination to take on Domenici next year: Don Wiviott and Jim Hannan, both of Santa Fe.

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