Richardson to visit five Western states in seven days

Gov. Bill Richardson will raise money and attend campaign events in at least five Western states, including New Mexico, in the next week.

Richardson is in the San Antonio area of Texas today attending fundraisers, according to a news release from his campaign. He’ll be in Dallas and Houston on Wednesday to raise money.

He then heads to Nevada. Wednesday evening, he’ll give a speech to a Democratic group there.

Still in Nevada on Thursday morning, Richardson will participate in the Walk a Day in My Shoes program, a campaign to educate America’s politicians about what it’s like to be the rest of us. He will spend most of the morning with an employee of the Clark County Department of Family Services during office visits. He will meet with local families and tour a child facility, according to the news release.

That event is closed to the media, but Richardson will hold a news conference afterward to discuss it.

Thursday afternoon, Richardson will fly to Denver for a fundraiser. He’ll attempt to raise more money there Friday morning before heading south to Pueblo, Colo., for another fundraiser in the afternoon. He then heads to Alamogordo and Carlsbad for fundraisers Friday evening.

Richardson has no campaign events scheduled Saturday.

On Sunday, he plans to attend fundraisers in Los Angeles, according to the news release. According to the Richardson for President Yahoo! Group, He plans to be in San Jose, Calif., on June 12 to speak to a Hispanic group.

One notable change in the newest schedule sent out by Richardson’s campaign. He’s holding more “press availability” events at airports before he leaves cities. Maybe he’s trying to get more media attention. Maybe his campaign believes that, with his recent jumps in the polls, he’s able to get more media attention.

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