Guv’s campaign claims he’s at 13 percent in Iowa

Gov. Bill Richardson’s campaign, while making a push to raise more money before the second quarter ends on Saturday, claims his support is continuing to grow in Iowa.

In recent, independent polls, Richardson has been at between 6 and 10 percent in that state. But in an e-mail sent to campaign supporters today, Paul Maslin, a pollster who works for the campaign, claims the governor’s support in Iowa has reached 13 percent in his newest poll.

And he claims that, “amongst the likeliest caucusgoers (those who attended the 2004 caucuses, voted in the 2006 primary and are definite to attend next year’s caucus) the governor has overtaken Senator (Barack) Obama for 3rd place.”

No other numbers are provided, so that’s all I can tell you. Independent polls have frequently placed Obama in third and Richardson in fourth in Iowa. The most recent poll, conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling and Research, has Richardson at 6 percent, Obama at 18 percent, John Edwards at 21 percent and Hillary Clinton at 22 percent.

Richardson’s campaign wants the governor to be considered by all to be among the top tier of candidates after second-quarter fundraising totals are released, which will happen no later than July 15.

“These poll numbers, coupled with strong financing numbers, could end the debate about first tier and second tier candidates,” Maslin’s e-mail states.

The e-mail asks for a $25 contribution to Richardson’s campaign.

Update, 3:25 p.m.

Richardson’s campaign put out a news release that contains the poll’s numbers. The poll, conducted by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin and Associates for the campaign, has Edwards at 34 percent, Clinton at 24 percent, Obama at 17 percent and Richardson at 13 percent. It was conducted June 18-20, surveyed 500 likely Iowa caucus goers has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percent.

When only the “likeliest” caucus goers are considered – the 40 percent who attended the 2004 caucuses, voted in the 2006 primary and said they will definitely attend next year’s caucuses – Edwards was at 31 percent, Clinton was at 23 percent, Richardson was at 18 percent and Obama was at 16 percent.

“These positive numbers are exciting but not surprising. Iowans are getting to know Bill Richardson and he’s winning them over,” Richardson Campaign Manager Dave Contarino said. “In advertising and in person, the governor has begun to get his message out to Iowans, and they are responding.”

If this new poll has validity, and Richardson keeps pace with or surpasses Edwards in second-quarter fundraising, he will have a very strong argument for being considered a top-tier candidate.

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