Guv wraps up busy week with Cruces visit on Friday

Gov. Bill Richardson will wrap up a busy week of campaigning by attending fundraisers in Las Cruces on Friday evening.

He is in Iowa today campaigning and will spend this evening fundraising in New York City, according to a news release from his campaign. On Wednesday, he’ll campaign and raise money in Boston and Washington, D.C.

He will also deliver a major policy speech on Iran at the Center for National Policy in the nation’s capitol. Richardson will focus on how the United States can prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

“As we know from the Cold War, deterrence is above all a matter of clarity and credibility. We need to be absolutely clear that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable, and we need to be absolutely credible when we say what we will do about it if the Iranians continue to disregard the will of the international community,” states an excerpt from Richardson’s speech released by his campaign. “The clear message must be this: Develop nukes and you will face devastating global sanctions. Desist from developing nukes and you will receive meaningful rewards, including robust security guarantees and guaranteed supplies of nuclear fuel from abroad.”

On Thursday, Richardson will participate in a Democratic presidential candidate debate televised on PBS. It will be held at Howard University in Washington, D.C. at 7 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. He has no scheduled events before that, and will likely be preparing for the debate.

On Friday, Richardson will attend fundraisers in El Paso in the afternoon before wrapping up the day at events in Las Cruces.

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