Sun-News wraps up series on development

The Las Cruces Sun-News wrapped up its five-day series on growth and development today with an overview of what’s been happening in the last few years and a look at how rapid growth only spurs more rapid growth.

The retail growth was the most staggering point in the Sun-News’ main article in today’s package: Since 2000, Las Cruces has gone from having one Wal-Mart Supercenter to having two and a Sam’s Club, and it’s gone from having no Starbucks to having four (the Sun-New erroneously said three) with another two already under construction.

In addition, here’s what the Sun-News didn’t report: Wal-Mart is looking land for a third Las Cruces store on U.S. Highway 70, and Target is currently working a deal to build its second Las Cruces store on Highway 70. Kohl’s is already building on the city’s north side, and Circuit City is also looking for land.

The growth really is staggering.

In a second article, the newspaper took a look at the debate about whether the growth is good and the effort by local governments to develop a regional growth plan. The article was good, but I wish the newspaper had devoted more space to looking into the aspects of open space and comparing Las Cruces to other cities, to give us some context on whether Las Cruces is growing in a way that is smart and sustainable.

Overall, the newspaper did a good job of providing some needed context to the current debate. Check out the newspaper’s editorial on the topic by clicking here. The series’ home page can be found here.

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