Richardson to campaign in six states in six days

Gov. Bill Richardson will be all over the nation this week as he raises money and gives speeches.

He is in San Francisco and Palo Alto, Calif., today to raise money, and also met this afternoon with employees of Google in Mountain View, Calif. On Tuesday, he’ll attend a fundraiser in Portland, Ore., and on Wednesday, he’ll raise money in Washington, D.C.

On Thursday, he’ll give a speech about energy policy to the New America Foundation in the nation’s capital before heading to Shreveport, La., for a fundraiser.

On Friday, Richardson will raise money in Omaha, Neb., and give a speech to the Young Democrats of America convention. On Saturday, he returns to what has been his favorite state lately – Iowa – and will spend the day at a number of house parties and other functions.

It’s been awhile since Richardson was in New Mexico, and it appears he won’t be back until at least next week.

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