Richardson plans to take it easy this week

After campaigning at a breakneck pace for several weeks, Gov. Bill Richardson will hold a few fundraisers and appear on one television show but will generally slow down this week.

A day after formally announcing that he’s running for president, Richardson has no public campaign events scheduled for today, according to a news release from his campaign. On Wednesday, he plans only to hold a fundraiser in the evening in Santa Fe.

On Thursday, Richardson will travel to Seattle, Wash., where he’ll raise money in the afternoon and attend private campaign events in the evening. On Friday, his only planned event is an evening fundraiser in Albuquerque, and on Saturday, Richardson plans no public events.

On Sunday, Richardson is scheduled to appear on NBC’s Meet the Press before attending fundraisers in the evening in Sonora, Calif.

Richardson should benefit from the rest. He has appeared tired in public for at least a couple of weeks.

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