Conservative blogger to become a weekly columnist on this site, will be balanced by progressive writer

Since 2005, Whitney Cheshire has been maintaining a blog called The Wednesday Morning Quarterback with which I’m sure many of you are familiar. Since then, the conservative media relations and campaign consultant, who is based in Albuquerque, has provided witty, frank analysis from the right.

A week from today, The Wednesday Morning Quarterback is going to join Heath Haussamen on New Mexico Politics. Cheshire plans to write a weekly column that will run on Wednesdays. Though this site, she’ll continue to bring you news, analysis and a view from the right.

As someone who doesn’t belong to a political party, I work hard to provide independent news and analysis, but there’s certainly a place in any political discussion for partisan views. Cheshire will offer a viewpoint I can’t and help this site provide more comprehensive coverage.

Balance is important, and I’m in discussions with a progressive Democrat to write a weekly column from the left. I hope to have an announcement soon.

Your feedback and ideas are always welcome. E-mail me at

I look forward Cheshire joining this site, and I hope you’ll welcome her.

– Heath Haussamen

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