Cervantes meets with Democratic officials in D.C.

State Rep. Joseph Cervantes, who is considering running for Congress next year, met Wednesday with officials from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Washington, D.C.

The Las Cruces Democrat has considered for several years a possible run against U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M. He has said recently that he’s considering running next year but hasn’t made a decision.

The DCCC is the official campaign organization of House Democrats.

Pearce has already drawn two Democratic challengers – Al Kissling, who ran unsuccessfully against him last year, and Bill McCamley, a Doña Ana County commissioner.

I was unable to reach Cervantes for comment.

Update, 10:25 a.m.

Though he met with the DCCC, I’m told Cervantes didn’t meet with anyone from the office of Rep. Tom Udall, the state’s only Democrat in the House. For a Democrat seriously considering becoming a House candidate, I would think meeting with Udall or his staff would be at least as important as meeting with the DCCC.

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