Voters in poll optimistic about Richardson’s prez run

Voters in last week’s non-scientific poll on this site are apparently optimistic about Gov. Bill Richardson’s run for president.

Of 190 voters, 53, or 28 percent, said Richardson would be the Democratic Party’s 2008 presidential nominee. 38, or 20 percent, said it would be Barack Obama; 37, or 19 percent, said it would be Hillary Clinton, and 26, or 14 percent, said it would be John Edwards.

Of the other candidates, Dennis Kucinich received five votes, or 3 percent; Joseph Biden and Mike Gravel each received two votes, or 1 percent; and Chris Dodd received one vote, or 1 percent. Al Gore, who hasn’t said he’s running, received 18 votes, or 9 percent, and “someone else” received eight votes, or 4 percent.

Don’t forget to vote in this week’s poll, located at the top of the right column on this page.

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