Tax supporters need 32 more votes, I think

Apparently my math was wrong before, because I now think tax supporters need 32 votes to win, and supporters think they need 31.

Either way, this is just about over.

There are currently 8,863 votes, or 50.7 percent, in favor of the tax, and 8,613 votes, or 49.3 percent, opposed. The margin is 250 votes, or 1.6 percent.

There are currently 160 provisional votes, or 66 percent, in favor of the tax, and 83, or 34 percent, opposed.

Here’s my logic: Opponents would need 250 of the remaining 312 ballots to catch up, and then a majority, or 32, of the remaining 62 ballots. That means if supporters get 32 more votes, they win…


This is why I went into journalism instead of engineering.

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