Supporters celebrate spaceport tax victory

Supporters of the spaceport tax celebrated its passage this afternoon at an event in Las Cruces, but also spoke about the clear division revealed by the 270-vote victory.

“To Doña Ana County: You made the history books this week,” Economic Development Secretary Rick Homans said on the steps of Hadley Hall on the New Mexico State University Campus. “Now it’s time to come together.”

Gov. Bill Richardson, standing in front of about 100 people, said he understands that county residents will demand accountability and that they have concerns about the project.

“We got the message,” he said. “… I am here not to gloat, but to say thank you. Thank you for a well-constructed election, for a spirited debate.”

Richardson said he is optimistic.

“We’re going to make the spaceport work,” he said. “It’s going to be great for Doña Ana County and Southern New Mexico, and it’s going to be great for this country.”

Steve Bennett, CEO of Starchaster Industries, said it will be even better than that.

“You’re going to build this beautiful spaceport. I’m going to build beautiful rockets, and together, we’re going to open the frontier of space,” he said.

Not all who spoke were so joyful. Rep. Mary Helen Garcia, D-Las Cruces, told the governor that many of her constituents opposed the spaceport tax because they are poor.

“That’s a real clear message,” Garcia told the governor. “However, you have taken care of them. I hope you continue to do that.”

But the vast majority expressed their excitement at what’s ahead.

“Sometimes in government we have to take risks, we have to bet on the future,” said Rep. Jeff Steinborn, D-Las Cruces.

“It’s a whole new page in history, and I’m just so thrilled I just want to stand up here and say, ‘Yeah!’” said Doña Ana County Commissioner Kent Evans.

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