Spaceport tax election won’t be decided tonight

I’m not sure where the discrepancy is, but the county’s official count has the spaceport tax supporters up by 273 votes. I have them up by 260.

Either way, all that remains, besides provisional ballots, is a precinct from Chamberino. A cartridge that contains the vote totals was left in the machine there, said Elections Supervisor Lynn Ellins, and he had to send someone down there to pick it up. He’s hoping to have the cartridge by 11 p.m.

That cartridge is unlikely to decide this election tonight, however. Ellins still doesn’t have an exact count on provisional ballots, but there are at least 350. Chamberino isn’t likely to have that many votes – most of the small, rural communities didn’t.

“This is going to go into provisionals,” Ellins said.

The county can’t start counting those until Thursday morning.

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