Santa Fean steps up to run against Domenici

Though many Democrats are still talking about who should take on U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., in 2008, Jim Hannan wants you to know he’s a serious candidate.

The Santa Fe Democrat and former staffer to the late U.S. Rep. Mo Udall, D-Ariz., has a Web site up and is already sending out news releases about his campaign.

According to his Web site, voters will “see two very different campaigns.” Domenici is already raising funds, plans to spent $3 million to $5 million, and will run television advertisements.

“I’ll be spending the next year differently,” Hannan’s Web site states. “I’ll be using this Web site a lot, to bring you up to date on the campaign and the issues. I’m also planning to walk door to door as much as I can with a full time job. I can tell you that I don’t plan to ruin your favorite TV shows with 30 seconds of negative ads.”

Hannan is running on a platform of protecting social security, ending the war in Iraq, slowing global warming and providing health care for all, according to his Web site. He accuses Domenici of representing only corporations and the richest citizens.

“I’m worried about our country. I’m concerned that our government is making poor choices,” Hannan states on his Web site. “I want to pass on to my children and grandchildren a better America. That is why I’m running.”

Hannan has not yet filed a notice of his candidacy or any finance reports with the Federal Election Commission, according to the FEC Web site.

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