Let’s discuss the East Mesa development proposal

I want to try something new on this site. There’s been a lot of controversy surrounding the 6,000-acre development the Las Cruces City Council is considering on the East Mesa called The Vistas at Presidio.

I want to try having this posting serve as a forum for discussion and debate of the issue. You can submit comments at the end of this posting, either anonymously or using your name, by clicking on the comments link. Check out this site’s comments policy to increase chances your comments will be published. I’m going to keep this discussion constructive and respectful.

I’ll keep a link to this posting at the top of the left column on this page so you can easily find it and check out the new comments and continue to take part in the debate throughout the next few days. This will help create a body of discussion in one place.

Before you comment, you might want to learn more about the development. Click here to read prior articles on this site. There has also been good coverage from the Las Cruces Sun-News.

In addition, there’s a lot of information on the city’s Web site. The development is in two parts – a 4,200-acre parcel that is up for annexation and master-plan approval on Monday, and the remainder, which is already in the city but is up for master-plan approval.

Click here to check out the master plan and here for additional information on the smaller, 1,700-acre portion. Click here for the master plan and here for additional information on the 4,200-acre portion. Click here for a map of the area that shows the location of the development.

Let’s see how this goes. Questions? E-mail me at heath@haussamen.com.

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