Election margin at 205 votes; 413 provisionals remain

At this rate, spaceport tax supporters might be able to declare victory today, even though all provisional ballots won’t be counted until Friday.

My newest tally has tax supporters with 8,793 votes, or 50.6 percent, and opponents with 8,588 votes, or 49.4 percent. That’s a difference of 205 votes, or 1.2 percent.

Elections workers have sorted through 158 provisional ballots from 39 precincts. They have rejected 10. Of the remaining 148, 90, or 61 percent, were votes for the tax, and 58, or 39 percent, were votes against it.

413 provisional ballots remain. To win the election, opponents would need 310, or 75 percent, to go their way, if all were counted. If the current rejection rate of 6.3 percent continues, tax opponents would need 297 of 387 remaining ballots, or 77 percent, to go their way.

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