Chávez raises $133K for potential gubernatorial run

Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chávez has already raised $133,000 for a potential 2010 gubernatorial run.

The mayor has raised the money in the past three months for what he’s calling a gubernatorial exploratory committee. He disclosed the contributions Monday on a financial report required by the city, the Albuquerque Journal reported.

Before you get too impressed, remember that Lt. Gov. Diane Denish has already raised more than $1 million for her 2010 gubernatorial run. But Chávez’s is a solid three-month total that reveals there will be support for a strong challenger to Denish, and he could be that candidate.

Chávez received $1,000 or more from 71 donors, including $10,000 from New Mexico Real Estate Inc., the Journal reported.

“I’m really pleased,” the newspaper quoted Chávez as saying. “It’s gratifying. I have a lot of friends and supporters.”

Chavez said most of the money came from one fundraising event, and said he turned down money from lobbyists and others that would have been inappropriate to accept during the legislative session.

Chávez’s city reports must be filed quarterly. Denish’s next report is due in May.

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