Senate has quorum, Democrats holding secret caucus

The New Mexico Senate had a quorum when it convened today for a special session called by Gov. Bill Richardson. Senate Democrats are meeting in a closed caucus meeting now to discuss the situation.

The Senate convened shortly after noon, but Majority Leader Michael Sanchez, D-Belen, soon called for the recess.

The House has a quorum and is currently meeting.

The question now is whether Senate Democrats, when they emerge, will vote to end the session or will get to work.

Click here to read Richardson’s proclamation of the special session. Scroll down to read my earlier article that explains what’s happening.

Update, 1:20 p.m.

One House member just told me there is a “somber mood” in the chamber. The House is taking care of some routine business now, and then Democrats will go into a caucus meeting.

Still no word from the Senate.

Update, 2:35 p.m.

The House has recessed until 2 p.m. on Wednesday. Democrats and Republicans will meet in caucus this afternoon and then committees will meet to begin consideration of the items on the special session agenda.

The governor’s about to have a news conference.

Still no word from the Senate.

Update, 4:15 p.m.

Richardson held a short news conference this afternoon to urge the Senate to work, the Albuquerque Tribune is reporting.

“I want an up or down vote on each of these bills by the House and Senate,” Richardson said. “We can get out of here in three days or less. … They’re grumbling. They are tired. I’m tired. But I think we are all elected to represent the people of our state. I think it’s important that we pass these bills.

Senators are still meeting in secret caucuses.

Update, 4:25 p.m.

Sanchez is meeting with Speaker of the House Ben Lujan and Senate President Pro Tem Ben Altamirano, Kate Nash is reporting on her blog. She’s hearing the same thing I am: that the Senate has the votes to adjourn sine die.

Update, 5:45 p.m.

No surprise here – House committees have already passed several of the bills Richardson wants. The House passed them during the regular session.

The Senate Democrats are still meeting in secret.

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