Sen. Phil Griego, D-San Jose, has been hospitalized for pneumonia and dehydration, the Santa Fe New Mexican is reporting.
Griego is a champion of support for acequias and chairs the Conservation Committee. He might be best known in
It’s that time in the session when sickness sets in. Lawmakers move at a frantic pace in the last 2-3 weeks of a 60-day session. Several I’ve spoken with in the last few days have coughs, hoarse throats and the sniffles.
They might probably pull an all-nighter next Friday, too, as they wrap up the session.
Update, 2:55 p.m.
Despite the report that he was hospitalized, Griego showed up for today’s Senate session. It was Sen. James Taylor, D-Albuquerque, who announced on the Senate floor on Tuesday that Griego had been hospitalized. I’m still trying to figure out what’s going on.