Richardson’s travels have been difficult to track

It has been difficult to keep track of Gov. Bill Richardson’s travels around the nation as he campaigns for president.

At least some of that appears to be intentional ducking, but the campaign chalks some of it up to e-mail glitches.

Richardson, in response to a direct question from a reporter about his schedule for the week, failed to mention last Tuesday that he was leaving town that night for a campaign event. Anger over that – Richardson called lawmakers back to Santa Fe for a special session as he was leaving the state – was a key factor in the Senate’s decision to revolt and adjourn sine die.

Though word that he was leaving the state leaked out Tuesday, the campaign didn’t officially release last week’s travel schedule until Wednesday, even though Richardson had already left the state.

This week’s schedule was released today, even though Richardson spent Sunday evening and Monday in New York City. Among the events we had to find out about through other means is a scheduled appearance on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Wednesday.

Here’s the kicker: The schedule was posted on the campaign’s Web site. I haven’t received the last two schedules by e-mail, though I was receiving news releases from the campaign before that. I know of at least one other reporter who has had similar problems. The campaign tells me it may be due to “intermittent e-mail difficulties.”

I’m not doubting that. The campaign is a fairly small operation, after all. I’m just pointing out what’s added up to a campaign that has been hard for the New Mexico media to track. This week is especially important because Richardson is trying to raise $500,000 before Saturday’s first-quarter reporting deadline. So far he’s up to $126,615, according to his Web site.

Here’s Richardson’s schedule for part of this week, some of it already passed.

Monday, March 26

WHEN: All day
WHAT: Fundraising and other closed campaign events
WHERE: New York City

WHEN: 9:00 p.m.
WHAT: Remarks to the Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century organization
WHERE: Zanzibar, West 45th S. @ 9th Ave.., New York City

Tuesday, March 27

WHEN: All day
WHAT: Fundraising and other closed campaign events
WHERE: New York City and Philadelphia, PA

Wednesday, March 28

WHEN: 7:45 a.m.
WHAT: Major speech at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
WHERE: Johns Hopkins University Nitze Building, 1740 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, DC

WHEN: 9:00 a.m.
WHAT: Speech to the Legislative Conference Presidential Forum of the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO
WHERE: Washington Hilton Ballroom, 1919 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC

WHEN: Afternoon
WHAT: Fundraising and other closed campaign events
WHERE: Boston, MA

WHEN: Approximately 5:00 p.m.
WHAT: Live Appearance on the MSNBC program “Hardball”
WHERE: New York City

WHEN: Approximately 6:00 p.m.
WHAT: Live appearance on “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart
WHERE: New York City

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