Richardson leaves capital outlay bill intact

Gov. Bill Richardson left intact a $622-million capital outlay package approved by lawmakers in signing it this evening.

The decision to not veto any funding in the bill might offset some of the vetoes I wrote about earlier this evening that might upset some lawmakers. Richardson did chop some words from funding items, but left the funding intact.

“I have signed this capital outlay package without any vetoes as a sign of good will, and I urge the Legislature to move quickly to pass the remaining priorities, including minimum wage, tax cuts, ethics reform, GRIP II and the housing authority reform bill,” Richardson said in a news release.

Here’s a copy of the governor’s message to the Senate:

March 15, 2007


The Honorable Ben D. Altamirano and

Members of the Senate

State Capitol Building

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

Honorable President Pro Tempore Altamirano and Members of the Senate:

I am pleased to sign Senate Bill 827 which prioritizes investments in water, public education, and economic development projects throughout New Mexico. I congratulate the Legislature for its diligent work and bipartisan efforts to make these projects a reality for the people of our State. We have a balanced budget, fiscally responsible reserves and, with this capital package, we are investing in New Mexico’s communities.

This bill includes initiatives such as $6.5 million for community water projects, $10 million for Indian water rights settlements, more than $10 million for tribal infrastructure and colonias, funding to establish a super computing facility in New Mexico, and a $20 million supplement to the more than $170 million going to public school facilities.

However, our capital outlay process still demands reform. Senate Bill 827 includes more than 600 projects with funding of less than $50,000. While some of these projects address critical needs, such as the purchase of an ambulance, many provide only partial funding for projects that ultimately are delayed.

Although I did not veto any capital projects from this bill, I will continue to push for a more deliberative process for allocating our capital resources to projects that meet the needs of local communities and address important policy objectives.

I this day sign and return:


Enacted during the Forty-Eighth Legislature, First Session, 2007, and except the following item or items, part or parts, which I hereby veto pursuant to the authority granted me in Article IV, Section 22 of the Constitution of New Mexico:

On page 14, on line 9, after the semicolon, I have vetoed the remainder of the line, and I have vetoed lines 10 through 11.

On page 15, I have vetoed all of lines 11 through 13.

On page 35, on line 18 I have vetoed the words “science and mathematics.”

On page 240, on line 17 I have vetoed the word “near” and on line 18, I have vetoed the words “Anderson fields.”

Respectfully yours,

Bill Richardson


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