New Mexico won’t force impeachment proceedings

New Mexico won’t be the state that sets in motion impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush after nine Senate Democrats voted with Republicans today to kill a resolution that would have started the process.

The resolution, if approved by the Senate and House, would have forced the U.S. House of Representatives to debate whether Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should be impeached.

The vote to kill the resolution was 26-13. Technically, the Senate didn’t vote on whether to approve the resolution. The vote was to reject the Senate Judiciary Committee report that sent the bill to the Senate floor for a vote.

In addition to all Republicans present, Democrats Ben Altamirano of Silver City, Pete Campos of Las Vegas, Carlos Cisneros of Questa, Phil Griego of San Jose, Tim Jennings of Roswell, John Pinto of Tohatchi, John Arthur Smith of Deming, James Taylor of Albuquerque and David Ulibarri of Grants voted to reject the committee report and kill the bill. That’s according to Santa Fe New Mexican reporter Steve Terrell.

Senate Joint Resolution 5, sponsored by Sens. Gerald Ortiz y Pino, D-Albuquerque, and John Grubesic, D-Santa Fe, would have forced the debate because House rules allow state legislatures to initiate impeachment hearings.

The resolution accused the president and vice president of intentionally misleading Congress about the war in Iraq, violating Americans’ civil liberties through illegal wiretapping and torturing prisoners of war. It was one of several being considered by state legislatures around the nation, but none have received the approval needed to initiate such proceedings.

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