House Republicans will try to end session today

House Republicans will try to end Gov. Bill Richardson’s special session this afternoon.

The House is set to convene at 2 p.m. Minority Whip Dan Foley, R-Roswell, confirmed that there will be an attempt to adjourn sine die.

“We’re going to try to sine die today,” he said. “I think we have the votes.”

The Senate has already adjourned sine die, so the session is over if the House does the same. If the House does not, senators have to return by Saturday evening, but could vote to quit working again.

Exactly who will be present for today’s House vote is uncertain. About a dozen House members were absent on Tuesday, including Reps. Joseph Cervantes and Mary Helen Garcia of Las Cruces, more conservative Democrats who, at times, side with Republicans.

If the attempt fails, Foley said House Republicans will push an agenda that includes its own ethics reform and domestic violence bills and a proposed constitutional amendment related to domestic partner benefits.

Such an amendment would have to be approved by voters, unlike Richardson’s proposed statutory change.

“Take it to the voters and see what they want,” Foley said.

On ethics, Foley said House Republicans will propose requiring disclosure of financial and other interests by a wide range of members of the executive branch. Currently, lawmakers have to make such disclosures, but executive-branch members don’t.

“We think there should be more transparency,” Foley said.

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