Richardson speaks tomorrow at DNC meeting

Gov. Bill Richardson is scheduled to speak at the winter meeting of the Democratic National Committee on Saturday, but, as an Albuquerque Journal reporter notes, his campaign appeared to be absent from today’s events.

Five of the party’s nine declared 2008 presidential candidates, and retired Gen. Wesley Clark, who has not yet announced, spoke today to the group. You can read about today’s events by clicking here.

Richardson is scheduled to speak tomorrow.

But as the Journal’s Michael Coleman notes, Richardson “seemed to be the only candidate without a campaign table in the Hilton lobby” where the conference is being held. “Rep. Denis Kucinich’s table was passing out pins and bumper stickers like crazy. Former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack’s crew was doling out popcorn (Iowa, get it?) and fliers. Should someone from Richardson’s camp get over to the Hilton with some salsa or something?”

Richardson is scheduled to speak at 9:40 a.m. Washington, D.C. time – 7:40 a.m. our time – on Saturday. He’ll also host a “meet the candidate” session from 12-1:30 p.m. at the Capitol Hilton in Washington.

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