Richardson pushed to back parental notification bill

In the Year of the Presidential Campaign, pro-life groups may be trying a new tactic in an attempt to get a parental notification law in New Mexico.

A hearing on Senate Bill 442, sponsored by Sen. Kent Cravens, R-Albuquerque, had been scheduled in front of the Senate Public Affairs Committee this afternoon, but was delayed until Sunday.

Allen Sanchez, executive director of the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops, said the hearing was delayed “to get an opinion from the governor on what he thinks.”

The bill has passed the House and died in the Senate in the past, and Gov. Bill Richardson has declined to take a stance on the proposal. The bill would require notification of parents or legal guardians at least 48 hours before an abortion can be performed on a teen under the age of 16, unless her life is at stake.

Could this be a new tactic? Richardson’s stance on parental notification before an abortion is performed is certain to be an issue with social conservatives, including many Hispanics, during his presidential run. Maybe he’ll be inclined to weigh in this year because of that.

Richardson’s office gave no clues.

“The governor’s just focused on his own agenda,” said Richardson spokesman Gilbert Gallegos.

I asked if that meant he wouldn’t weigh in before Sunday, though he’ll be asked to do so. Gallegos said he had no comment.

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