Official 2007 school board election results

The official results from the three school board elections in Doña Ana County are in. Officials canvassed the election and tallied provisional ballots this morning.

In the Gadsden District 2 race, the only race that was decided by provisionals, incumbent Jennifer Viramontes held off challenger Rodolfo Franco by eight votes.

Here are all the results from Tuesday’s election:

Las Cruces Public Schools

District 4

* Bonnie Votaw: 769 votes, 82.6 percent

Larry Garcia: 162 votes, 17.4 percent

District 5

* Connie Phillips: 737 votes, 82.3 percent

David Morgan: 121 votes, 13.5 percent

Sharon Wooden (i): 38 votes, 4.2 percent

Gadsden Independent School District

District 1

* Manuela Huerta (i): 304 votes, 56.4 percent

Luz Vargas-Troncoso: 235 votes, 43.6 percent

District 2

* Jennifer Viramontes (i): 176 votes, 51.2 percent

Rodolfo Franco: 168 votes, 48.8 percent

District 3

* Maria Saenz (i): 51 votes, 100 percent

District 4

* Daniel Castillo (i): 120 votes, 61.5 percent

Elva Flores: 75 votes, 38.5 percent

District 5

* Craig Ford: 80 votes, 43.7 percent

Charles Gonnell (i): 71 votes, 38.8 percent

Robert Zinsmaster: 32 votes, 17.5 percent

Hatch Valley Public Schools

District 2

* Douglas Scott Adams (i): 11 votes, 100 percent

District 3

* David Franzoy (i): 43 votes, 63.2 percent

Dencil Duane Gillis: 25 votes, 36.8 percent

District 5

* Donald Hackey (i): Six votes, 100 percent

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