It’s Richardson meet-up day across the nation

Grassroots supporters of Gov. Bill Richardson’s presidential run from across the nation plan to meet today to organize local events to promote his candidacy and push for support in Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire.

Though there is such a group in the Albuquerque area, there isn’t one in Southern New Mexico.

You can search the list of Richardson groups from across the nation by clicking here.

Richardson, who has been silently building a base of Internet supporters for months, plans to participate in conference calls with several of the groups today, his deputy campaign manager told the Albuquerque Journal. Amanda Cooper expects about 100 people at the meet-up in Boston, and another 35 at one in Minnesota, for example.

Grassroots support through the Internet appears to be a big part of Richardson’s campaign strategy.

Organizers of the event, according to, are asking those who participate to write letters to Democratic Party leaders in Nevada to ask them to support Richardson.

Not everyone could meet today. Internet supporters of Richardson in Colorado plan to meet Saturday, most of them in Colorado Springs.

After talking with some of the groups this evening, Richardson plans to fly to Washington, D.C. on Wednesday for a Thursday-morning speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Journal reported.

Many national pundits were impressed by Richardson’s weekend speech at the Democratic National Committee’s winter meeting. He received more standing ovations than any other candidate who spoke.

The expectations for this next speech are now higher.

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