House Democratic leaders tout Steinborn, Cote

The office of House Majority Leader Ken Martinez put out this news release today about Doña Ana County’s two freshman legislators, Jeff Steinborn and Nate Cote. I thought it was interesting, especially in light of all that’s been happening, so here it is:

Las Cruces freshmen eager to serve the community through the legislative process

Santa Fe, NM – The 48th Session of the New Mexico Legislature opened on Tuesday with what promises to be an unprecedented number of bills introduced and with an expected $720 million surplus to the budget. Rep. Jeff Steinborn, D-Las Cruces, and Rep. Nathan Cote, D-Las Cruces, are two of the 11 new representatives in the House who will contend with these bills while getting their legislative feet wet. Both representatives, however, are up for the job and ready to serve their constituents.

Speaker of the House Ben Lujan made committee assignments on the second day of the session, and the new Las Cruces legislators are well positioned to have a significant impact on policy that affects the southern part of the state. Steinborn was assigned to the Heath and Government Affairs Committee, the Energy and Natural Resources Committee and was named chairman of the Enrolling and Engrossing Committee B. Cote was assigned to the Transportation and Public Works Committee and the Tax and Revenue Committee.

“One of my top priorities this year is to help broaden access to health care while also seeking solutions to help contain raising health care costs. I think accessible, affordable health care is one of the most critical issues facing the state right now,” Steinborn said. “My position on Heath and Government Affairs will allow me to move New Mexico in the right direction when it comes to access to quality health care.”

Steinborn’s assignment to the Energy and Natural Resources Committee will capitalize on his knowledge of water and energy issues developed while working for U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman in the southwestern region of the state.

“I see the development of alternative energy as a great opportunity for New Mexico to create new energy sources for our country that are environmentally friendly and will create high wage jobs. Furthermore, this committee assignment will enable me to play a strong role in protecting the natural environment that makes our state the land of enchantment,” he said.

Cote requested his committee assignments in order to specifically respond to needs in his district.

“It is an immense honor to serve my district and the citizens of New Mexico. I take these responsibilities very seriously and I’m sure we will have a very busy and productive session.” Cote said.

As of Thursday, Cote had already sponsored nine pieces of legislation, including a bill to provide tax exemptions for active-duty military personnel and a bill to protect spouses and children in domestic violence situations.

“My assignment to transportation and public works is important to my district because we have a critical need for improved flood control and roads that will ensure safe access for emergency vehicles and school buses,” Cote said. “On the Tax and Revenue Committee, I will be able to implement my priorities for military families, teachers and our system of higher education.”

In addition to their regular committee assignments, freshman representatives are usually also given a committee assignment on one of two enrolling and engrossing committees. These committees oversee the final preparation of the bills that have been passed in both the House and the Senate before going to the governor’s desk. As a final order of business today, Steinborn, chair of Enrolling and Engrossing Committee B, had the honor of signing off on House Bill 1 – the feed bill that finances the legislative session. The governor now has three days to sign or veto this bill.

Information about bills proposed in the 48th Legislative session can be found at To contact Steinborn, call (505) 986-4248 or e-mail To contact Cote, call (505) 986-4234 or e-mail

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