GOP official confirms staff changes

Staff changes at the Republican Party of New Mexico have been confirmed by outgoing Communications Director Jonah Cohen.

Cohen said former Executive Director Marta Kramer resigned “to spend more time with her family in California and Texas” and will be replaced by Chris Atencio, the state party’s political director.

Storm Field, the party’s former field director, is now working for House Republicans and will be replaced by Matt Stackpole, who was the Victory 2006 72-hour director, Cohen said.

Cohen said he is also leaving later this week to take a job as chair of a history department at a private high school in Las Vegas, Nev.

“All of these changes were amicable and we’ve all remained good friends with Chairman Allen Wen,” Cohen said in an e-mail.

Update, 2:15 p.m.

Cohen said he doesn’t know who will replace him, but the decision is up to Atencio and Weh. One name he has heard mentioned as a possibility is Scott Darnell, who ran Vickie Perea’s campaign for secretary of state last year.

He also said the changes won’t hurt the GOP legislative agenda.

“If the staff changes were acrimonious in nature, then I’d be concerned,” Cohen said. “But we’re being replaced by people whom we’ve been working with over the last year. They’re familiar with the office, they’ve worked closely with Allen Weh, and they’re bright. In many ways, Atencio has been the brains behind the party, setting goals and deciding the party message. Nobody knows how to do politics better than he does. And he is now working with Kramer and Weh to ensure a smooth transition.”

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