Richardson spends weekend in New Hampshire

Gov. Bill Richardson spent the weekend in New Hampshire setting up a run for president. The trip was well covered by the Albuquerque Journal and Tribune.

Click here to read the Tribune’s article on the lobbyist who is guiding Richardson in that state.

Click here to read the Journal’s Sunday article on the visit and here to read today’s article. One notable fact: Richardson’s appearances drew much smaller crowds than those of Barack Obama. Obama’s showing in New Hampshire has forced at least one other Democrat to drop out of the 2008 race.

But many sources close to the governor tell me Richardson prefers to be the underdog and use to his advantage the fact that others underestimate him.

Also, nationally syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette wrote a column that ran in newspapers this weekend examining Richardson’s potential run. It’s worth your time. Click here to read it.

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