Richardson off to D.C., New Hampshire

As other 2008 presidential hopefuls are already starting up campaigns, the yet-to-announce Gov. Bill Richardson is on his way this week to Washington, D.C. and then New Hampshire.

His schedule sure looks like that of one who is running for president.

In D.C., Richardson will attend a New Mexico-Chihuahua border governors meeting today and will formally announce that the Kansas governor will take over as chair of the Democratic Governors Association.

On Thursday, he’s set to lay out his national immigration policy reform plan at Georgetown University. On Friday, he’ll attend a meeting to talk about energy independence.

Richardson will return to Santa Fe for the weekend, then will fly next week to New Hampshire to make his first post-election appearance there, according to the Albuquerque Journal.

Richardson, his campaign manager said, was invited by numerous candidates in that state who his campaign helped finance. The governor’s 2006 re-election campaign is paying for the trip.

The Journal reports that New Hampshire is crowded with Democratic presidential hopefuls. One has already visited since the election. Two others will visit in the coming days, as will the wife of another.

Richardson says he’ll make an announcement in January on whether he’ll run for president.

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