Let’s hear from House Democrats about speaker

I want to extend a personal invitation to House Democrats to share your thoughts on this site on who should be the next speaker and majority leader.

I have been criticized by a few politicos since yesterday for some of the comments I made about Democratic members not being willing to go on the record. Some have suggested to me that Ben Lujan has many supporters from the north and that they will go on the record, and that many of Ken Martinez’s supporters will also go on the record.

I’ve spoken with some who won’t, but perhaps some will.

So let’s hear from you: Should Lujan or Martinez be speaker? Should Joseph Cervantes or Mimi Stewart be majority leader? Or are there other candidates to consider? Who are you supporting?

I’ll publish the response of any House Democrat (or for that matter, House Republican, or other elected official) who wants to respond. If there’s libel, of course, I’ll have to edit it out.

If anyone else wants to write in, I’ll consider publishing your responses as well, but they must follow this site’s comments policy.

E-mail your responses to me at heath@haussamen.com. Include a phone number where I can reach you. I prefer that House members go on the record, but if you want your response to be anonymous, make that clear.

We’re all dying to know what you think. Here’s your chance.

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