Governor to reappoint NMSU Regent Conniff

Though he hasn’t made an official announcement, Gov. Bill Richardson has decided to appoint Laura Conniff of Las Cruces to a second, six-year term on the New Mexico State University Board of Regents.

Richardson could make an announcement as early as this afternoon, sources tell me.

Conniff, currently the board’s vice president, was first appointed by former Gov. Gary Johnson in 2000. Conniff, a registered Democrat, has been fairly independent, at times frustrating Richardson by not voting the way he wanted.

Conniff is a co-owner of Mathers Realty, Leveldale Farms and Conniff F Cross Farm in Las Cruces. She also serves on the First New Mexico Bank of Las Cruces board and is a founding member of the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico.

Earlier this month, Richardson appointed graduate student Ed Kellum, a registered independent, to serve as the only student member of the board. Student regents serve two-year terms; the other four members serve six-year terms.

Conniff and Kellum will both have to be confirmed when the Legislature convenes in January.

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