Reasons to be thankful this holiday season

I’m planning to unplug for the Thanksgiving break. I need some time to turn off my computer and recharge myself.

I’ll be back on Monday. If anything major happens before then, I’ll try to post an update.

I want to leave you with my list of the top five politically related things for which we should be thankful this Thanksgiving:

5 – For the first time in recent memory, almost all agreed that this year’s election process in Doña Ana County had integrity and very few problems.

4 – Voters gave partisanship a swift kick in the butt on Nov. 7. They booted a number of Republicans on the national level and restored balance in Washington. Republicans also crossed party lines to vote for Democrats on a statewide level but, at the same time, many statewide Republican candidates ran competitive campaigns and picked up some Democratic votes. Locally, Democrats crossed party lines to give Republican Sheriff Todd Garrison a surprising victory over Democratic challenger Ralph Misquez, who was considered by most to be the favorite in the race.

3 – Several misbehaving public officials were appropriately shown the door, including former Magistrate Judge Carlos Garza, former Region III Housing Authority Director Vincent “Smiley” Gallegos, former state Treasurer Robert Vigil, former Florida Rep. Mark Foley and former Ohio Rep. Bob Ney.

2 – Some people still have the courage to do what’s right. Frances Williams was a board member for the Region VII Housing Authority in Las Cruces and is the person who brought to light the widespread corruption in the state’s housing authority system. Her bravery led to the toppling of the broken organization.

1 – We live in a nation where we can openly fight corruption in our government.

Have a great Thanksgiving.

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