Missouri columnist touts Richardson for president

A columnist in a small city in Missouri is giving a boost to the potential presidential campaign of N.M. Gov. Bill Richardson.

Bill Clark, who writes a regular column for the Columbia Daily Tribune, wrote in his most recent column that Richardson, “more than any candidate in either party, is qualified to lead our nation for the next eight years.”

Columbia, according to the census, is a little bigger than Las Cruces.

Clark cites Richardson’s Mexican roots and years of diplomatic work, in addition to his tenures as energy secretary and New Mexico governor. All that, Clark wrote, adds up to much more than any other potential candidate brings to the table.

“The Republicans have John McCain, followed by a cast of lightweights known only to their families and local bridge and poker clubs,” Clark wrote. “The Democrats are a bit better off. Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois is a rising star in the Democrat heavens but has little experience in many areas vital for a sound presidency. Hillary Clinton? Unelectable! Not because she’s a woman, but because she’s Hillary.”

Richardson, Clark wrote, does have a weakness, but it’s one that can be easily overcome.

“The baggage he brings with him is minimal at worst. To date, he has taken no position on cock-fighting in New Mexico, one of only two states in the United States to allow the practice,” Clark wrote. “I’m confident he will right that wrong soon.”

In fact, Richardson has promised to take a stand on the issue in January – the same month in which he plans to formally decide whether to run for president. But Clark is right. It’s a travesty that Richardson waited this long to take a stand against the practice.

The blog Missouri for Bill Richardson called Clark’s column “flattering.”

“Honestly, I was surprised to see it,” the blogger wrote. “I hope Missourians continue to jump on the Bill Richardson bandwagon.”

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