Domenici plans to run again in 2008

Since voters made him a member of the minority party in the Senate last week, speculation has been rampant that Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., might not run for re-election in 2008. A correspondent on NBC’s Chris Matthews Show even said on Sunday that the senator is one of several who won’t seek re-election.

That led to a domino effect of speculation and chatter about who would run for Domenici’s seat. Blogger Joe Monahan has spent days writing about his assertion that U.S. reps. Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson might go head-to-head in a Republican primary for the right to replace Domenici.

Not so fast, Domenici says.

It turns out speculation has been rampant around the nation that various, aging senators from both parties might not seek re-election in 2008. The congressional newspaper The Hill took the time to ask Domenici and others about their intentions.

Domenici told the newspaper he intends to seek re-election.

Domenici is 74, and it’s no secret that his health is declining. But, if the newspaper is to be believed, the senator has made clear that being a smaller player in Congress won’t be enough to chase him from office.

Those who are in line for various seats that could come into play if Domenici steps down may have to wait awhile longer.

His retirement would create a domino effect. On the Republican side, Wilson has been groomed to take Domenici’s place, but Pearce may believe he is the stronger candidate after Wilson’s recent battle to keep her seat. Pearce is currently making a bid to move up in the leadership of his party.

On the Democrat side, many would consider running for Senate if Domenici wasn’t in the race. Very few would seriously consider running against Domenici. Those who might be interested include U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, Lt. Gov Diane Denish and, depending on how his presidential hopes go, Gov. Bill Richardson.

That means we’re talking about the possibility that all three U.S. representatives, the governor and lieutenant governor could seek a job change in two years, depending on Domenici’s future.

If Domenici gets his way, it appears they won’t have anything to fight over.

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