Check out this site’s comments policy

I’ve received many e-mails, phone calls and submitted comments lately questioning why some comments are published and others are not on this site.

Unlike some bloggers, I do moderate comments. In general, comments must be constructive, not degrading, and they must not be libelous or spread rumor.

Public discussion is an essential element of democracy, and allowing people to comment on what’s happening is an important part of this site. But, I’m learning, if the discussion isn’t moderated, it would quickly degrade into something that is completely counterproductive.

For example, in the past week people have submitted comments filed with profanity and accusing others of taking sides in the Las Cruces Public Schools controversy because of who they’re having sex with, or of supporting candidates in last week’s election because they took bribes.

Those are the easy comments to reject. Many comments fall into a much grayer area.

That’s why I have a published comments policy. You can check it out by clicking on the “Policies” link at the top of this page or by clicking here.

If you have any questions, let me know. My e-mail address is

Comments are closed.