Chavez might run for Senate, if Domenici doesn’t

Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez will consider running for the Senate in 2008 if Pete Domenici doesn’t seek re-election.

The mayor’s statement to the Albuquerque Tribune further fuels speculation about the 2008 race. Domenici has said he intends to seek re-election, but many analysts doubt the aging Republican senator will have much patience with being a member of the minority party.

Chavez told the newspaper that, if Domenici runs again, he will focus on another run for mayor in 2009 or another run for governor in 2010. Chavez ran unsuccessfully for governor in 1998.

He said he also might leave public office, and said will support Domenici if he runs again.

“If he chooses not to run, that’s an open seat, and I’d have a look at it,” Chavez told the Tribune.

He also said he would not consider running for the U.S. House because of the time it takes to gain seniority and because the two-year terms means constant fundraising.

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