BREAKING NEWS: Superintendent placed on leave; legislators may ask state to take over LCPS

Las Cruces Public Schools Superintendent Sonia Diaz was placed on administrative leave by the school board Tuesday night, and the Doña Ana County legislative delegation is considering asking the state to take over the school district.

School Board member Leonel Briseño will make a public statement at 1 p.m. at the administration building, 505 South Main Street. Until then, the district will make no comment, said spokeswoman Jo Galvan.

The county’s legislators had a previously scheduled meeting with the board this morning to discuss legislative priorities. State Rep. Joseph Cervantes, D-Las Cruces, said that, after the meeting, legislators met with Board President Sharon Wooden and member John Schwebke to discuss rumors that Diaz was placed on administrative leave.

The board placed Diaz on leave following a closed-door meeting that lasted several hours and ended just before 11 p.m. Tuesday.

Cervantes and other legislators are about to meet with Diaz.

“Our intention is to, in all likelihood, ask the state to take over the school district,” Cervantes said, because of “the general lack of confidence in the board” and “a lack of stability in the district.”

Cervantes said all legislators present at the meeting – Democrat and Republican – expressed “unanimous support” for Diaz “and her efforts.”

Diaz was hired four months ago and has made quick changes in top-level administration. She is considering many other, major changes that have many in the district worried. Others say it’s about time someone cleans up the district.

The district has a history of turmoil. Two of the last four superintendents have left under clouds of scandal, and two school board members were recalled in 2002.

I couldn’t reach Diaz or school board members for comment. I’ll have much more later today.

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